
Welcome! This site is dedicated to the legendary works of Surak, the fictitious character created by Gene Roddenberry and Arthur Heinemann for the episode The Savage Curtain in the original Star Trek series and continued in subsequent series. References to Surak’s writings can be found in episodes of every Star Trek series and numerous licensed spin-off novels.

For decades, enthusiasts of Vulcan culture have envisioned these writings from the Father of Logic and longed to read more than a few passing, albeit influential, quotes. It is undoubtedly presumptuous to create these works here, yet I do so with the utmost respect to Star Trek’s original creator and subsequent creators who have followed in his footsteps. Here, I add my own footprints in the sand.

The Vulcan enthusiast may also enjoy the posts here on various aspects of Vulcan culture. I’ve made a substantial effort to analyze and incorporate canon and licensed sources. As always, I welcome your comments, questions, and suggestions.

If you have a question or facet of Vulcan culture you would like me to research and develop, please don’t hesitate to contact me at sidzhan.tgai@gmail.com.

Sarlah nash-veh dvin-tor (I come to serve),


Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction. Every effort is made to reference original works, where known, along with a humble nod of appreciation.
Star Trek is owned by CBS/Paramount. Text Copyright by Ming Bai 2011-2022.

34 thoughts on “About

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  1. oSidzhan,

    I thank you for creating such an informative site on Vuhlkhansu. The great care shows in the work. I’m gratified to find places on the nets to learn to read, write and speak Vulcan as this culture is fascinating. I am still learning and my conjugations are not perfect, but I am willing to learn.

    Dif-tor heh smusma.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. oSidzhan,

    Dif-tor heh smusma.

    I shall visit often. The more people to practice my embryonic skills in Vuhlkansu the better. I’m in communication with oBriht’uhn via his website and E-mail. If time permits, we three should try chat session.

    Sochya eh dif.


    1. oT’Mynn,

      I am honored. Please feel free to email myself and Briht’uhn. We’d be happy to practice Vuhlkansu with you. Briht’uhn has done some fantastic work, as you know, at and I highly recommend the site to anyone interested in Vulcan language and culture. I’ve been helping whenever I can with his noble projects and he’s been assisting me. Currently, we’re both working on Vulcan fonts, which we hope to release sometime this year. I expect to post more in February about the Dzhaleyl script, which you see here in the header.



  3. oSidzhan,
    I thank you.I frequent oBriht’uhn’s website quite often, and aided him in beta testing the Zun font, which was agreeable. 🙂 I also frequent the VLI site as my source for translation. Word order still trips me up.I have to get enough of the language grasped in order to think in it. It’s how I knew I was assimilating Spanish well.thinking and dreaming in it. 🙂
    On font,one might difficult to craft might be the formal calligraphy and it’s particular direction orientation. This is only because of the computer set up.I’d be willing to experiment with my computer. 😉
    Sochya eh smusma


    1. oT’Mynn,

      Do not be afraid to write in Vuhlkansu. I’ve been studying it about 1.5 years now and the other day I caught myself thinking in Vuhlkansu! Word order can be difficult to get used to, but you’ll get there. If you’d like to practice, feel free to email me a couple lines in Vuhlkansu. It doesn’t have to be long or complicated. In the Analects, I know there are some mistakes here and there, and when the works are complete, I’ll go back and fix the errors. Part of the problem is that the work Mark Gardner and the VLI started is incomplete, so I’ve had to create my own grammar and syntax rules. I’ve since changed my mind about a few things, especially since working with Briht’uhn a bit on Ogen. Ah well, life is all about change and flexibility!

      Keep practising!


      P.S. I’m hoping Briht will create a font for the formal calligraphy script, but it does pose a few challenges — more so than Zun, I should think.


  4. oSidzhan,
    wa’itaren. for your encouragment.
    I refuse to give up. i’m stubborn that way. I try to practice with folks who can write or speak this way. Very few speakers, I’ve noted only two so far and that you and oBrith’uhn. Thinking in Vuhlkansu, good. Means your brain is assimalaiting it, next you’ll be dreaming this way. Just make sure you make sure before you talk to someone that anglisu comes out, or you’ll get a “huh?” look. When I was learning Spanish, I’d easily talk back to one in spanish when they were speaking english. it’d take a few seconds to switch over to english. Answered the phone that way, folks hung up thinking it’s the wrong house. 😉

    On the calligraphic font, he may or may not. It takes time. I’m not sure how he’s crafting it. I hadn’t created a font before. I think it may be challenging. At least it and Zun have the same orientation. The Calligraphy font will have to be able to tell a sentance needs the sine wave to show a word break, and the “sentance continues here” carrot. Also the line the sentances ‘hang’ from. I can see why this would be a headache. Trying writing it. 😉 I twtich and mess up.

    dif tor-heh smusma


  5. Hello Sidzhan,

    We have not spoken before, but I wanted to invite you to view my new website, TheKolinahrMuseum.com.

    I have been a serious collector of screen-used Vulcan costumes and props since the 2006 Christie’s auction and have amassed the largest collection of Vulcan-specific items out there. The highlights of my collection include Surak’s robes, the Kir’Shara, and Kolinahr Masters robes.

    I have admired the work you’ve done on your site for a long time, and have added a link to your site on my resources page.

    Please visit my site at your convenience, and let me know what you think.

    dif tor-heh smusma,


    1. Jordino,

      Please forgive my slow response to your most generous invitation. My work schedule has been such that I have not had much time to pursue my own studies. I have visited TheKolinahrMuseum.com and am most impressed by the thoughtful and artful displays. Additionally, I am grateful that such a careful curator has undertaken to preserve these precious artifacts. I look forward to exploring all the Museum has to offer, now and in the future, and I encourage anyone who has an interest in Vulcan culture, art, and history to visit — frequently — as I intend to. I am most honored that you have included my work within your Resource Center. If I can ever be of assistance to you in your research, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

      Sochya eh dif,


  6. Sidzhan, your fascination with and commitment to creating a beneficial, ‘translated archive” of the fictive character Surak’s philosophy is admirable. May I propose that it would also be logical to additionally commit a fraction of your remaining time to propagating the real-world philosophy closest to Vulcan logic + IDIC? This real-world counterpart is called “Pluralistic Rationalism.” You may find information on this social philosophy and on the first international society to espouse and practice it, The Circle of Reason, at Wikipedia and circleofreason.org.


    1. I thank you, Dr. Burton, for your comment, however inspiration to engage fully and compassionately in real world affairs does not always come from the real world. Logic (i.e., reason) is only the beginning.

      I am familiar with the Circle of Reason and invite others to explore your website and social works. I wish you peace and success in all your endeavors.

      In service,


      1. I agree that this page’s greatest value is as an exploration of a fictive but analogous philosophy and culture, without becoming engaged in Terran events. However it would be really cool to see IDIC concepts expounded more fully as Surak would have done.


      2. Compassion and consequent worldly engagement by our human species indeed doesn’t naturally flow from applying reason (although in the absence of the emotional empathy and perception we naturally use, reason can be used to construct an ethical code calling for acts that would in emotive terminology appear as compassionate engagement). But although reason isn’t essential to be compassionately engaged, it is necessary to compassionately engage wisely. Without a commitment to the methodology of reason to best understand, act upon, and communicate with the real world, our internally driven worldviews and emotional acts risk spinning without governance, and out of control. As Surak says, “There is no other wisdom and no other hope for us but that we grow wise.” Without the wisdom that comes from the use of reason, humanity’s legacy will become no more than drawn-out terracide. So when you have some free time, Sidzhan and Dzhenn, consider the value of lobbying for pluralistic rationalist behavior by your theist, atheist, spiritualist, naturalist, conservative, progressive, Ojectivist, subjectivist, gay, straight, abled, disabled, and all other ‘tribalized” friends. Thanks! — Dr. Burton


      3. I agree — and we will! Incidentally, “the Vulcan word for ‘idiot’ is derived from an older compound word that means ‘one who fails to participate in civil affairs.'” (Duane, D. 1988. Spock’s World, p. 45) We all have an obligation to society. May we fulfill that obligation with careful reasoning (logic).


  7. Just found out about your site. By the looks of it I’ll have a lot of fun with the info here. Hope to have more time to follow your posts. Great work. Congrats. (I will still be able to say these in Vulcan)


    1. Welcome, Ricardo. I hope you will enjoy all that is here and all that is to come. This month, I plan to post a map of the Vulcan Science Academy Shi’Kahr Campus along with some basic information about its colleges.



  8. Sem-rik!

    I am currently writing a fanfiction that relies heavily on Vulcan culture and clan dynamics, and your website has been an incredible resource for me, both in terms of information and inspiration. The cartography section for example has been invaluable. I just wanted to take a minute to thank you for the amazing work you have done in presenting such a wealth of knowledge and insight into my favorite facet of Trek culture.

    Truly, there are no words I can express to sum up how much your website has helped me in my continuing efforts to present my story as accurately as possible based on established lore.

    It has been quite a learning experience familiarizing myself with the intricacies of Vulcan speech, especially with so many levels of implied formality that are easily misunderstood without careful analysis. While I would consider myself a novice at this point, I look forward to learning more!



    1. You are most welcome, T’Avri. I’m gratified that my work has been of great service to you. One of my goals in establishing this site is to give those who are writing about Vulcan culture (fans and professionals alike) a strong foundation. I have so much more to share in the future. In the meantime, if there is some aspect regarding Vulcan culture I’ve failed to feature here, please don’t hesitate to ask. I’m always happy to sift through my notes.

      Svi’dvin (in service),


      1. You are most kind, oSidzhan.

        An email is on its way to you containing a few questions of many. I most humbly appreciate any insights you may be able to provide.

        Cha’i t’naat,
        ~ T’Avri


  9. Hello Sidzhan!

    I was nice to find this web page. Fan fiction or not, it’s quite a thorough contribution to ST world. I began role playing a Vulcan recently, and this is often my point of reference. So, thank you very much. 😀

    Peace and long life.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So, you’re the one driving up my statistics! Thank you and you’re very welcome! Enjoy your time as a Vulcan. 🙂

      Dif-tor heh smusma.


      1. It was a lot of ground to cover. I mean.. all the analects and subsections… just wow. And I regularly return to this. Just keep it up. 🙂


      2. A lot of ground indeed…and there’s so much more to explore. Thank you for your comment and encouragement. I’m gratified that you’ve found these topics worthy of exploration.


  10. I enjoy your site and am fascinated with dzhaleyl so much so I turned it into a word processor font a while back. My hard drive died and recently I re-downloaded quite a bit of your stuff so I can use it off line. Fortunately, I had the font backed up and if you are interested in the font it is here, https://vulcanquest.wordpress.com/2019/12/17/dzhaleyl-font/

    I’m in the process of learning Vulcan now, not quite ready to write in it yet though, but your site has been helpful to me. wa’itaren

    Zavel (I’m 60 yrs old so I’m a bit of a relic 🙂 )


    1. Zavel,

      I’m stunned! There is nothing more satisfying than inspiring others. Your work is truly beautiful and I look forward to experimenting with the font! Unfortunately, I only have a Chromebook and an iPad at home, so I won’t be able to play until I can get it loaded on my laptop at work — whenever I get back to work after quarantine, that is. I’ve always wanted to turn the script into a workable font but lacked the skill. I am truly grateful for all your work and sharing the font with me. I hope you don’t mind if I add the link to your Vulcanquest post to my Dzhaleyl Script post. So many others will appreciate your efforts.

      Again, I am humbled. Wa’itaren. Best wishes in your Vulcan studies.



  11. Your more than welcome to add the link, pass the script around, give it to anyone who wants it. I consider this belonging to the Vulcan community. Feel free to explore the rest of the site, I have a font for hand written Vulcan, Modern Vulcan and Tanaf Kitaun. These are mostly for learning purposes. Modern Vulcan is like Zun but not as good as Zun in my opinion. I created it because Zun was not mine to give away but these fonts are for anyone to use, copy or share, or even post on their own sites for down load. Tanaf Kitaun has all the various glyphs shown on Korsaya site. I also have made work books to go along with Memrise courses, Vuhlkansu and soon to be release Vulcan Language Institute course. Also I made Anki flash card files that include the Zun font. I figure if one is to learn Vulcan one should learn it in their alphabet. Once I finish the Vulcan Language Institute course I plan on posting the work book and anki flashcard files so that anyone starting out has a more comprehensive course to follow.

    Again Thank you for your site, it is helpful to me.



    1. The weekend cannot get here soon enough! I find I have even less time working from home. I’m very much looking forward to exploring your site and doing a post to promote it this weekend. Thank you again for sharing. I’m excited to tell everyone following KirShara about your site.



  12. Hi Sidzhan, I’m exploring all things Vulcan and have really enjoyed the many articles on Kir’Shara, especially those regarding Surak. It is a real pleasure visiting your blog, and I thank you for creating such a wonderful site.


    1. Hi, Mike. Thank you for your comment and letting me know that you’re enjoying the site. It’s always a work in progress and I hope to get back to it soon. At the moment, I’m taking a break to do some research for future articles. Best wishes on your journey.


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