A Vulcan Breakfast

Vulcans are often asked about their eating habits offworld. Known to be staunch vegetarians, particular about alien cuisine, and for not eating lunch,1 Vulcan guests can cause a great deal of apprehension in their hosts. Because the harsh climate of T’Khasi did not allow for a wide variety of foodstuffs to be grown throughout most of its history, traditional Vulcan cuisine tends to be simple and unvaried. Unlike other races, Vulcans are perfectly content to eat the same fare day after day. Although they are unaccustomed to variety, heavy sauces, and spices, there is no cause for alarm. Vulcan-like dishes can be easily created using similar ingredients found on other worlds. Here is an example that Terran bakers should find appealing and easy.

A typical Vulcan breakfast of krei'la and gespar juice.

A typical Vulcan breakfast features krei’la,2 sometimes spelled kreila or kreyla in Federation Standard English. In most Vulcan societies, krei’la resemble Earth’s scones, but in some locations, the word krei’la is used for a type of flatbread.3 The following is a recipe for the former type.

The basic krei’la recipe is satisfying and wholesome on its own, but an embellished version can include dried hirat, a fruit akin to grapes, and fresh or dried lhm’ta, an herb which has a taste that reminds many Terrans of lemon. Use dried blueberries instead of raisins to more closely approximate the flavor of hirat.

Krei’la Recipe

For another version of krei’la, substitute dried and diced apricots for yon-savas and fresh, diced sage for the Vulcan herb eshi in the same quantities as above. Nothing grown on Earth tastes like the yon-savas (fire-fruit) of Vulcan, but the flavor of the apricot blends surprisingly well with sage.

For mornmeal3 or breakfast, many Vulcans drink gespar-masu, the juice of gespar, a fruit grown in the temperate zone of Kir Provence. The juice is pictured here in a cup dating — along with the traditional math or plate – to Surak’s time.

If you would like to include a cup of Vulcan mocha in your mornmeal, try organic chocolate roasted mate, available at World Market.  Add milk and a small amount of raw sugar to more closely approximate the taste. Mate even has the slightly green hue of Vulcan mocha, which is made from dried and crushed g’teth berries.4


 1Lorrah, J. (1984). The Vulcan Academy murders. New York: Pocket Books, p. 28.

2 Bonanno, M.W. (2010). Unspoken truth. New York: Pocket Books, p.322.

3Lorrah, J. (1984). The Vulcan Academy murders. New York: Pocket Books, p. 28.

4 The way of kolinahr: the Vulcans. (1998). Culver City, CA: Last Unicorn Games, p. 46.

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